Santana 2023 Owners & "Santa" Want-a-bies!
Future thoughts and dumb ideas I might write about!
If you have any thoughts, let me know! Listed below are some that I should
get to in the future.
- Gelcoat touch-up's
- Attach something, somewhere to allow me to hang up jackets.
- Install bilge pump system.
- Install air vents for those hot nights, (and that bean dinner).
- Add topping lift pulley system on mast.
- Make the controlls more single-handed frendly.
- Configure current trailer winch tension so boat will properly rest
on complete bunks and not be lifted off front part.
- Replace trailer bow roller with the poly-something kind, (yellow).
They don't mark-up. (I could do that easy enough, but I keep forgetting it.)
- Have usable side ports.
- Make bug screens!
- Install track assembly for larger genoa.
- Install sun-brella/shade over cockpit.
- Add a quick disconnecting clip or something, to the stern life line.
This would allow swimmers to get on and off without the hassle of unhooking the
existing pin (which is a time consuming pain).
- Look into lowering cockpit drain holes (scuppers?) so they let every
bit of water out the back. (They work okay now but while dry sailing at home
water collects to a 1/4" depth.)
- Spare tire mount. Weld or attach a spare tire holder that can be rotated
downward to be used as a third wheel. This is a great idea for rolling the G
Marlyn around in a parking lot or driveway and might be good for launching and
- Tounge extension. Add an extension bar that I could hook up in a pinch.
Right now I don't need one but that might change somewhere else. Some ideas
have been to mount one along side of the trailer frame it self and just carry
it until needed. Another would be to have an extension slide out from under the
existing tongue but that might get rusty and/or stuck. Another would be to
mount one approximately vertically in front. It could act as a bow stop, a
front mast carrier, and an extension when I lower it into place. (The trailer
is made to flex and that might cause the mast to wiggle back and forth creating
a wear spot.) Except for wiggle wear, I like the latter idea.
- Line-up on retrieval. Weld or attach two side bumper pads, (like I have
towards the rear), only put them about a 1/4 of the way from the bow. This will
assist in lining up the boat during retrieval. A bonus when single handed.
- Save the gelcoat! Figure a better way to put boat on trailer without
smacking into the rear lights or rear frame. (Padding, extension side pad, ???)
Maybe something like the padding-wheels they use on the corners of docks.
- Engine lift. Since I've already got a strong mast crutch holder base, why
not come up with an arm that could be used for lifting my heavy outboard up and
off the transom.
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